Tiny adjustments we can make every single day to make room for the big SHIFTS in life.

Myla Saavedra Myla Saavedra

#10: Assume The Best

Last week I shared some exciting news with you, and it was also the first time I talked about my relationship with my other half, Bernie. I shared with you the mindset that I learned to embrace coming into the relationship which he introduced to me. Today, I will share a mindset shift that I introduced to him.

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Myla Saavedra Myla Saavedra

#9: You’re Not Ready For A Relationship Until You’ve Fully Embraced This Mindset!

I’m very happy and grateful that you’re joining me today because I have some exciting news to share with you… This is the second to the last episode for this season and… I’m getting married in two weeks! So today, I’d like to talk about this man whom I will be exchanging “I Do’s” with.  Since I haven’t done an episode wherein I shared my journey story with you, I thought this would be a great way to start–by introducing him and sharing with you how I realized that he is my “Mr. Right”.

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Myla Saavedra Myla Saavedra

#8: 12 Habits That Encourage Stress in Your Life … and How to Break ‘Em! (Part 3)

Today we are continuing on with the final part, Part 3 of the 12 Habits That Encourage Stress in Your Life… and How to Break ‘Em! We’re aiming the spotlight on Complaining, Perfectionism, Lack of Boundaries, and Unforgiveness. Find out how these habits are adding to your daily stress and what you can do to kick each one of these to the curb.

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Myla Saavedra Myla Saavedra

#7: 12 Habits That Encourage Stress in Your Life … and How to Break ‘Em! (Part 2)

Keeping up with the Joneses, pretending to be someone you’re not, overthinking things, and focusing on the worst-case scenario is what I’ll be sharing my thoughts about in this brand new episode of Shift Happens Every day! Today we are continuing on with Part 2 of the 12 Habits That Encourage Stress in Your Life… and How to Break ‘Em!

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Myla Saavedra Myla Saavedra

#5: The 4-Point Plan for Starting the New Year Strong(Part 4)

Last week, we talked about making space for what you’re asking to receive. And we’ve established that in addition to your decision to let go of certain things in your life that are not serving you well anymore, you need to also make a conscious choice to make room for the things that you are hoping to receive because they are not the same thing. Today, we will be picking up where we left off and talk about Point No.4: Welcoming change with grace and ease in this episode of Shift Happens Every Day!

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Myla Saavedra Myla Saavedra

#4: The 4-Point Plan for Starting the New Year Strong(Part 3)

Last week, we talked about the different things that could be weighing you down, or holding you back, preventing you from moving forward and moving closer to your goals. We talked about why you should and how you can begin letting go of these things. Today, we will be picking up where we left off and talk about Point No.3: Making space for whatever you wish to receive. In this episode of Shift Happens Every Day!, I’ll continue to share with you my 4-Point Plan for Starting the New Year Strong.

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Myla Saavedra Myla Saavedra

#3: The 4-Point Plan for Starting the New Year Strong(Part 2)

Last week, we talked about the importance of cultivating an attitude and a mindset of gratitude. Today, we will be picking up where we left off and talk about Point No.2: Letting go of everything that’s weighing you down. In this episode of Shift Happens Every Day!, I’ll continue to share with you my 4-Point Plan for Starting the New Year Strong.

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Myla Saavedra Myla Saavedra

#2: The 4-Point Plan for Starting the New Year Strong(Part 1)

Are you the type of person who practices making New Year’s resolutions? Or do you prefer making tiny changes and adjustments as you go through the year?

In this episode of Shift Happens Every Day!, I’ll be sharing with you my 4-Point Plan for Starting the New Year Strong.

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Myla Saavedra Myla Saavedra

#1: The Exits and Entrances of Life

Are you having mixed emotions about welcoming another year? Instead of feeling excited and hopeful, do you feel more apathetic about it or actually dreading it?

If you feel like you’re left with nothing but a suitcase of pains and regrets to carry with you into the new year, then this episode is for you.

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